Monday, 16 June 2014

I'm sitting in the railway station....

Yes I'm sitting in the railway station, got a ticket to my destination (London), but I'm not on a tour of one night stands....etc.  The Simon and Garfunkel song came into my head so it was meant to be the theme of today's blog post.  I'm on one of my visits to the UK when I try to cram as much into a week as possible and today I'm meeting a couple of colleagues in the capital.  The people-watching en route is fascinating.  I'm currently observing a guy at the automated ticket dispenser who has a shoulder bag with 'Homes & Communities Agency ' emblazoned on the flap.  So what's he up to?  Well I suppose the name of his organisation (unless he's borrowed the bag!) gives a clue as to the nature of his work, which sounds as though he might be in the business of helping others.  It's a pity he has to pay such extortionate prices for his rail tickets although no doubt the costs are ultimately borne by the taxpayer.

That guy is just one example of a growing number of people who are surrounding me, all going somewhere and like me, have airs of purposefulness and determination.  No one looks bored out of their minds, even if that's how they really feel!  By the way, none of the travellers appears to be "on a tour of one night stands....".  Sorry Simon and Garfunkel!  The lady seated nearest to me in the waiting room is reading the type of newspaper that has more pictures than text and appeals to people with right-wing political views.  A train has just arrived and the guy from the Housing & Communities Agency, together with two colleagues, has got on board.  People are still arriving at the station for the next train to London, which I will be boarding.

Now the UK is a developed country, which is going through interesting economic and political times.  When I look at this microcosm of the British population on the railway station, I have to ask myself, has society got it's priorities right?  Is the shuttling of millions of people around the country, each and every day, at vast expense to individuals, companies and taxpayers, as well as, of course, the environment, in the best interests of society?

....Well, ten hours have elapsed since the last paragraph and I'm on the return journey.  I've had two interesting meetings in the City plus a lot of hustle and bustle, and I've thoroughly enjoyed it.  London is a great city, with a cultural diversity that is invigorating.  My meetings were mentally stimulating and thought-provoking.  So have I made a positive contribution to society today?  It's debatable.  But thank you Simon and Garfunkel for being the inspiration for today's post.

Homeward bound!

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